It's not easy being green--unless you are a total DITZ!
Is Cameron Diaz one of Al "Jesus" Gore's "foot soldiers"? Apparently so.
Cameron Diaz was recently quoted as saying that she's really just "a tree-hugger at heart", nothing new coming from her, since she has been wearing an activist hat for awhile now (and not really knowing what the hell she is saying)... she was making the comment when interviewed about Live Earth, a music concert which was held today in an effort to increase awareness of global warming †.
Ms. Diaz's interviewer asks how she is looking forward to the event, what it will entail, and why it's important to her.
Obviously, Ms. Diaz is using her celebrity to get the word out about the cause, nothing wrong with that, though I doubt she would be involved if she wasn't currently featured in her own MTV show, Trippin, and one can only wonder where she gets the time to devote to the cause, in between her very important work of recording voiceovers for Shrek I and 12(how many will there be?). However, as some may recall, earlier this year she did attend a training course taught by Al Gore about how to "give a slideshow presentation to about 1,000 people".
Golly, does it take a special kind of idiot who doesn't know how to do a slideshow, that Al Gore has teach your ass? I don't know! I thought idiots showed slideshows of photos from their grandkids and trips to the Poconos over cocktails to their neighbors every weekend in this country!
In any case, Cameron is then asked what measures she personally takes, to do her part in acting "envrionmentally responsible".
Cameron was prompted to offer advice to people who want to "go green" but don't know where to start....
I have to go now. I need to like, you know, go look up who is having sex with who, I mean... how to conserve energy. Now, how exactly shall I phrase my search in, like, Google?
† Liberal propaganda
Photo credit: Photorazzi/Tom Walck

Ms. Diaz's interviewer asks how she is looking forward to the event, what it will entail, and why it's important to her.
"It's a big party. [Laughs] It's to bring awareness and have a kick-off, basically. But it's a big party. Having these concerts I think is a way to just kick off what is going to be the next step of the movement...."Cameron rambles on, peppering her answers with "like", and "you know", and giggling quite a bit more than necessary for kind of a serious interview, but totally true to her form.
"I keep thinking of it as a sort of premiere party for this campaign which, once we get through the concert — which is going to be a lot of fun and everybody's going to come together and hopefully become more aware of what's going on — we're setting the ball in motion."Apparently, she had written the foreword for a book about going green, The Green Book: The Everyday Guide to Saving the Planet One Simple Step at a Time, something I can hardly believe because the woman can barely speak without uttering something ridiculous, so I could not imagine her writing anything intelligent.
Obviously, Ms. Diaz is using her celebrity to get the word out about the cause, nothing wrong with that, though I doubt she would be involved if she wasn't currently featured in her own MTV show, Trippin, and one can only wonder where she gets the time to devote to the cause, in between her very important work of recording voiceovers for Shrek I and 12(how many will there be?). However, as some may recall, earlier this year she did attend a training course taught by Al Gore about how to "give a slideshow presentation to about 1,000 people".
Golly, does it take a special kind of idiot who doesn't know how to do a slideshow, that Al Gore has teach your ass? I don't know! I thought idiots showed slideshows of photos from their grandkids and trips to the Poconos over cocktails to their neighbors every weekend in this country!
In any case, Cameron is then asked what measures she personally takes, to do her part in acting "envrionmentally responsible".
Oh. OK. So you're saying that if I drive a Ford Expedition SUV that gets 15mpg around the country several times a week I could just pay someone to plant a few hundred trees in my name, and that would magically absolve all my environmental sins? Wow. Now if I could just afford to hire an agent to tally up all those miles for me, then whip a few thousand dollars out of thin air to pay for all them trees, I'd be well on my way to being as GREEN as you Cameron! I'd have it made.She says that she pays for carbon offset (which is total b.s. by the way), and monitors "my energy consumption, how much power I use, how much I run the water, set my thermostat, my recycling, my car — I drive a Prius. I do my carbon offsetting for my travels because I travel so much. My travel agent just basically tallies it as I go."
Cameron was prompted to offer advice to people who want to "go green" but don't know where to start....
Diaz: "Well, in about a month-and-a-half there is going to be a lot of information related to this campaign. Also, you know, we have the Internet. If you can pull up like, who's having sex with who [laughs] — you can definitely pull up how to save energy. It does just start with the basics. It starts with being aware of your consumption, your energy consumption. There are a slew of products as far as recycling goes."Wow. I'm totally enlightened now and I think I could get started tomorrow, based on those tips! Wait. Do you look up who is having sex with who FIRST or is that AFTER I buy a hybrid car? Did we ask, "How does Cameron Diaz use the internet?" No.
I have to go now. I need to like, you know, go look up who is having sex with who, I mean... how to conserve energy. Now, how exactly shall I phrase my search in, like, Google?
† Liberal propaganda
Photo credit: Photorazzi/Tom Walck