OK folks...
I'm officially putting this blog on hiatus for awhile. It might be 2 months, it might be a year.
I'm officially putting this blog on hiatus for awhile. It might be 2 months, it might be a year.
You may have noticed the lack of posts at this blog. Well there's not been much going on in Hollyweird that I could consider newsworthy. Besides, Hollyweird doesn't care about America, so why should I care about IT?
Anyhoo...here's the latest:
DATELINE: Late September, 2005 - ABC TV Studios, NY, NY. - Hilary Supporters Hootin' & Hollerin' About new ABC TV Show
Well kiddies, if the thought of having a woman president of our country isn't enough to make you cringe, how about making her just like Geena Davis? If the new ABC TV show, "Commander in Chief" makes a big splash it's possible that it would cause many Americans to get the notion into their heads that it could be a reality for the future of our country. Wouldn't that be fun? Not. Then Hilary supporters could use that as part of their rallying cry, "Well they did it on TV!" According to this article, it's bound to happen that way. I hope not. I think that if people really wanted a woman president of the United States, it could have well happened by now. Really. How come a decent non-lefty female hasn't tried running in the past? I'm serious. Call me an anti-feminist if you want. I could care less about the TV show, but if Hilary Clinton ever took office I seriously doubt I'd be one iota happy about it. Okay, well maybe...only for the simple fact that it may open the doors for future female candidates, but I really think that being the leader of the free world is a man's job. One thing to note...if the casting people at ABC were trying their best to make their star role's choice a close match to Hilary Clinton, well they were right on with that. Geena Davis may not be a dead ringer for Hil, but she certainly has the jowls for it...which is one step in the right direction. Now, if only she was a freaking lunatic, then she'd totally fit the bill.
Anyhoo...here's the latest:
DATELINE: Late September, 2005 - ABC TV Studios, NY, NY. - Hilary Supporters Hootin' & Hollerin' About new ABC TV Show