Swallow it down...jagged liberal pill

The Reverend Morrisette is planning to use her new status to preside over gay marriages...mainly for her friends. Surprised? Not.
Dateline: March 31, 2004 -
Now boarding for Air America...wanna book a seat? No thanks!
"Broadcasting from an underground bunker 3,500 feet below Dick Cheney's bunker, Air America radio is on the air.", booms a voice that sounds as though something spectacular were about to happen. So marks the debut of The O'Franken Factor, a segment on Air America. The voice belongs to who else but Al Franken, a man is so refreshing and ORIGINAL that he goes and copies the name concept for his show from his nemesis Bill O'Reilly's Fox News program. The sincerest form of flattery, it is not. "Air America" is a new radio network touted as "progressive", its intent: pushing a more liberal agenda in a media that many say is "right-wing-dominated". It is true that conservative shows are in the majority when it comes to political forum and issues on radio (author notes: Maybe there's a good reason for that!). How serious and useful any of the network's shows and segments may be, is another issue I want to address.
Back in a Newsday.com article a few days before, Franken was reported as saying, "People ask me why we're going on the air, I tell them for one reason and one reason only, and that is to annoy and bait Bill O'Reilly and just maybe get him to sue us." Franken, a veteran of attacking the conservative viewpoint tells ABC NEWS "It's like ju-jitsu. You use what they say against them and use it to hold them to scorn and ridicule. So there will be a lot of ridicule."
I'm not so sure that "annoying and baiting, and scorn and a lot of ridicule" are good premise for ANY brand new radio show, especially one that *ahem* is not even nationally syndicated yet (its being broadcast on 5 stations throughout LA, San Francisco, New York and Chicago), although that DOES cover a lot of ground. But Franken has high hopes of gaining a great listenership. He believes that there is an audience built in for his looney liberal shenanigans. "When these kind of crowds are showing up [at his book signings] its not about the book, it's about something bigger than that. "It's me," he tells ABC NEWS, "They love me." Dude. Your stint on SNL was soooo over a hundred years ago. Stop riding it.
If you ask me how long I think this waves of nausea will last, I wish I could say not long. But the reality is that Air America will probably wobble along quite well financially, likely from the aid of Hollywood's commie community giving it their stamp of approval. However, it's a fact that too many people in this country waste no time turning off the tube when Janeane Garafalo shows her sorry ass, so who's to say what will happen when she and that Franken clown start yammering over the air, hearts bleeding all over the place and then they try to sop it up with their old, dead comedy? I mean come on, who are they kidding? Franken's nowhere near as big as Alan Dershowitz or Mario Cuomo when it comes to liberals and THOSE guys failed at similar attempts. So did Jerry Brown.
Bottom line? Attitude. For a brand-new show, Mr. Franken's asshole-ish attitude is not a good one to take on, especially right from the running start. An unwritten rule in business...don't be an asshole!
On a funnier note...when I did spell check for this entry, Blogger's spell checker tool suggested 'Canine' for Janeane. I nearly fell off my chair laughing! Hahahaaha....